Wednesday 11 January 2012

I got the perfect gift! 1 pair air tickets to Sweden Free

Chinese New Year is just around the corner. I have news for you. I got the perfect gift for you!

I decided to pay my friend, Amanda a visit. Since she moved house I did not have the time to drop by. I could not contain my excitement as I made my way to her place. To be honest, it was not so much as visiting her new apartment. It was more in the gift that I bought for her. I was never good at getting gifts for people. But for this visit, I had actually outdone myself. I must say I am proud about it. So I took this opportunity to gloat about it.

Met another friend, Jessie who happened to come at the same time.

I asked Jessie, "What did you get for Amanda?"

"One of those coffee table machine, what about you?"

Happily, I announced with the sweetest voice I could master, "Oh, I got her a bottle wooden wine rack!"

Jessica stared at me incredulously and said "I hope you do realize that Amanda is an alcoholic."

Happy I replied "Yes. That's exactly why I got her this gift. I bet she has TONS of wine!"

So, if you are looking for the perfect gift, do exactly what I did. I went to IKEA.

Not only did I get a perfect gift for my friend and was the envy of others present, I also get a shot in getting  FREE 1 pair of air tickets to Sweden.

Before you rush to get the air tickets, join my Facebook Fanpage ==> Singapore Deals, Grab Free Vouchers. Save on your Chinese New Year dining by getting free vouchers from us.

Now, go and  click on the poster below. Go get the perfect gift for Chinese New Year and who knows, lady luck might be shinning on you and you get to go to Sweden too.....

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