Sunday 15 January 2012

Free Movie Tickets Giveaway

I could no believe how much I enjoyed myself.

My home TV decided to finally RIP after 10 years. I knew it was time for a change but I kept on delaying. After 10 years together it is difficult to let go. Even after it decided to shut it's screen on me I still could not get myself to get a new TV. I kept on pressing the power button or the remote. Hoping and watching the TV will glow instantly right before my eyes. No matter how long I waited the black screen stayed frozen in its spot.

Seeing me kept on starring at the blank monitor like a zombie, my husband decided to take me out for a movie. It was the final instalment of the Harry Potter movie. The sound system. The atmosphere. The huge screen. I was impressed. It has been a while since I went to watch a movie. Always thought I have passed the movie-going age.

After the show, I do admit, it was great going to the cinema again to watch a movie.

As I said earlier, I could not believe how much I enjoyed myself.

So, if you love going to the movies, here's your chance to get FREE movie tickets. Since the free tickets are given out daily, you chance of getting one is pretty good. Who knows maybe Lady Luck is smiling at you :)

Before you go for the Free movie tickets, don't forget to join us on our Facebook Fanpage and get your free $100 F&B vouchers too. Just need to click on ==> Singapore Deals, Grab Free Vouchers

Now, go and click on the poster below for your free movie tickets. All the best guys

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