Saturday 14 January 2012

Fan-A-Day Giveaway - Free iTwin Daily

Grinch Had Some Data To Deliver Fast

Ever heard of the Grinch? He's very well known only during Christmas. I know...Christmas is long gone but this is a story I need to tell.  It was about my friend Alan, who is known to be sort like a Grinch.

Under heavy snow, the Grinch was working his way back to his home. His recent stunt at spoiling Christmas surely allow him to enjoy a few days. The data he found in the iTwin contained valuable information he could use not to mention the stress and anxiety inflicted to the iTwin owner. It was the middle of the night, but his mom was still awake when he returned. This is something he was not anticipating.

"Alan", she said angrily, "Where have you been?"

"When I am in disguise, you must call me The Grinch." he said angrily. "How many times do I have to remind you! My real identity is a secret!"

"We are not in a James Bond movie. What nonsense are you talking about" said his mom.

"Your name is Alan. I gave you that name. I am going to call you Alan."

"Where did you get that?" his mom asked pointing at the iTwin he was holding.

"It's... uh..., I found it on the ground while I was walking home". stammering and looking around hoping his mum would stop asking questions and leave.

"How many times did I tell you not to pick-up stuffs?" his mum told him. "You go and return the iTwin back!"

"OK mum. Fine! I will return it." Alan said

" the way, is the baby in the bear costume?"

"You are such an idiot, Alan" retorted his mum. "Of course the baby is in the bear costume!"

So before Alan decide to return the iTwin, I suggest you go and get it for yourself Now!

It is given out daily online via Facebook and no purchase is required. You have till 31st January 2012 to try and get this amazing gadget. The iTwin works similar to the cloud technology. All you need to do is plug half of the iTwin into one computer, share what you want, and receive it on the other end of iTwin!

How cool can it be?

Good luck guys.... btw, please do not forget to join us on our Facebook Fanpage Singapore Deals, Grab Free Vouchers, where we give out free vouchers to our fans monthly.

To join the sweepstakes daily and a stand a chance to win an iTwin device, just click on the poster below.

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