Tuesday 10 January 2012

Free GV Movie Voucher

Nope, Have not watched that movie yet.

I told my girlfriend that I'd rather spend money eating than going to the movies. She has this habit of asking me if I have watched this movie or not even though she sure knows how I hate to spend money going to the movies.

Call me cheap. I don't care. To spend $18 for 2 person just to be in a temporary fantasy land is not my cup of tea. I'd rather go to Ya Kun Kaya Toast, order their set toast for 2. That is more satisfying.

However, I caved in recently.

I finally went to the movies with my girlfriend. The reason is because I got a FREE GV movie voucher. Spending only $9 for 2 person to go to a movie is an offer I could not resist (and it also made my girlfriend happy).

The culprit? Autovox.....

Ok enough said. Go get your Free GV Movie voucher and bring someone you love for a good movie. Even though the entertainment is just for a short while. Just click on the poster below.... See you guys soon.

Btw, don't forget to join me at my Fanpage Singapore Deals, Grab Free Vouchers

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