Friday 30 December 2011

Before we usher in 2012

To all my fans and friends

2012 is only a few hours away. When the clock strike midnight, everyone will be rejoicing and celebrating welcoming 2012.

All the past happy times and sad moments are buried away anticipating a better year ahead.  However, I always believe that what happened to you in the past will be shaping your life's journey in the future.  Due to that, I have created a little tribute to "What I Love Best About 2011".

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Share with me your thoughts, your experiences, your joyous occasions or even events that have shaped your life in 2011.

Let's have it on record so that many years later, we can look back and say "Hey, I remembered that" when we read this blog post.

Please share this blog post with your friends :)

Happy New Year everyone and God Bless all of you!

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