Friday 30 December 2011

Before we usher in 2012

To all my fans and friends

2012 is only a few hours away. When the clock strike midnight, everyone will be rejoicing and celebrating welcoming 2012.

All the past happy times and sad moments are buried away anticipating a better year ahead.  However, I always believe that what happened to you in the past will be shaping your life's journey in the future.  Due to that, I have created a little tribute to "What I Love Best About 2011".

Join me on my Facebook Fanpage ==> Singapore Deals, Grab Free Vouchers

Share with me your thoughts, your experiences, your joyous occasions or even events that have shaped your life in 2011.

Let's have it on record so that many years later, we can look back and say "Hey, I remembered that" when we read this blog post.

Please share this blog post with your friends :)

Happy New Year everyone and God Bless all of you!

Thursday 29 December 2011

More iPad 2 Giveaways

I think iPad2 Giveaway is the theme for this Christmas.

Everywhere I turn, someone is giving away FREE iPad 2. Geez, I just bought mine last month.

OK guys, here goes....... I am going to make it simple for you guys to participate. Just click on each banner below and it will take you to the page where you can participate.

Remember, taking action will give you 50% chance to win. Doing nothing is 100% failure. So do not procrastinate. Take action....

You might just end up being a winner!

Btw, if you are new to my Facebook fanpage, please join us. All new fans automatically get Free $100 F&B vouchers.  On top of that, every month we give away free vouchers to all our loyal fans. It is a way for us to reward you for your support.

Things you need to do
a) Like Us on our Fanpage, Click on Singapore Deals
b) Share with your friends about our Fanpage. We love to give away free vouchers :)
c) Send a friend request to us and join our family
d) Tell me what type of vouchers you want and we will do our best to get them for you

Ok, enough said..... Drum Rolls please....

iPad 2 Giveaway No. 1 (Please click on the banner to participate)

iPad 2 Giveaway No. 2 (Please click on the banner to participate) 

All the best of luck guys....

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Who wants to win an iPhone 4S?

Every one who is keeping tab of the smart phone latest releases will know the "power" of the iPhone 4S.

Hey I went down last week to Starhub to get one and was told to be on a waiting list. Geezz

Anyways, there is a chance for you to win a iPhone 4S 16GB worth $948.

To participate is easy, just click on the banner below to follow the simple instructions.

Who knows you might be the lucky one. By participating you have a 50% chance of getting it. By not taking action, it is 100% guaranteed failure.

The choice is yours. Wishing you all the best of luck :)

Are you having cellulite problem?

Today I'm going to focus on a topic that will affect women the most. The BIG "C" - cellulite.

If any woman tell you that they have no problem with cellulite, then I must say, sorry girl you are a liar.

Every women will have problems with the stubborn orange fat known as cellulite.  It is unsightly and embarrassing. It can be a big problem or even a tiny area. Nevertheless it is still ugly looking.

Cellulite is fat that unceremoniously protrudes from the lower layers of your skin into the outer layer of your skin also known as dermis. It is commonly also known as "cottage cheese" because it gives a dimpled like appearance to the skin. Cellulite likes to make its appearance on the thighs, lower legs and our rear end.

How can I get rid of cellulite? That is the most common question that a women will ask.

What surprises me is that how little science seems to know about this problem even though it has been around for as long as women exists.

Most importantly, cellulite does not make its appearance only on obese people. Even our "wafer thin" Hollywood celebrities have cellulite problem.

Anyways, to help you reduce the effect of cellulite, I have arrange a special 20% discount for you for an Award Wnning Amaris B. Slim-Cellu A'sential oil.

CozyCot Beauty awarded Amaris B. Slim-Cellu A'sential Oil as the winner of "Favorite Body Application (Anti-Cellulite)" in 2011. This moisturizing formula contains concentrated certified organic oils with detoxifying properties which aids to tone and restore skin firmness. This refreshing oil also helps to smooth skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Get slimmer for the new year and usher in 2012 with a silhouette slimmer figure using Amaris B. Slim-Cellu A'sential Oil. Suitable for all skin types.

To get your 20% discount, download our free iphone app when you click on iVoucher Singapore

Flash the offer on your iphone and you instantly get your discount. You can come and purchase as many times and flash the offer and still entitle to the discount.

Picture courtesy of

Singapore Deals - 7UP 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway

I know that Christmas just passed.

However our friend at 7UP is still in the Christmas mood. They are having a 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway. To participate, you only need to answer one simple question. Who knows, you might just be a winner and end 2011 on a high-note.

Whatever it is, I wish all who are participating the best of luck :)

Below are the details of the 7UP 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway. All you need to do is click on the poster below to participate.

Please do share with us if you are a winner. We love to hear from you.

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Thank you to all who have participated in the Chen Fu Ji Restaurant Giveaway event at our Facebook Fanpage

We are happy to announce the Mr Roger Koh, CEO of Chen Fu Ji Restaurant have selected the 7 best captions.... Drum rolls please.....

The 7 best captions selected are by:

We will send you email regarding the collection of your voucher.

Once again, to all who have participated in the giveaway, thank you so much.

We hope to giveaway more goodie to you soon.

In the meantime we would like to wish everyone Happy New Year and hope 2012 will be a good year for all of you.

If you have an iphone, ipad or ipod, please download our app iVoucher SingaporeSelect "Dining" and look for Chen Fu Ji restaurant. They are giving 50% off their famous Imperial Fried Rice. Just flash the offer on your iphone and present it when you go there.